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Taylor Classification

Build on your
mission critical

Transform your most important data into action with our cutting-edge classifiers built for Business, Product, and Engineering teams.

Classify faster, classify smarter

Everything you need, without the hassle

Unruly unstructured text is both an Engineering and Business liability. Combine Business, Product, and Engineering together to accelerate your data enrichment.

Out of the Box Classifiers
Whether you're enriching B2B data with NAICS codes or tagging content with IAB content codes, we offer many out-of-the-box classifiers ready for you to use. Try them here.
Custom Classifiers
Got your own internal company taxonomy? Want to work with your own tags and labels? Build your own classifier and use it immediately.
Continuous Improvement
Your classifiers evolve with your needs and your data. Provide corrections via the application or the API to directly improve accuracy.
Total Observability
You control and manage your classifier's configurations. Set your confidence threshold to only return the labels you need.

Bulk Classification

Introducing Taylor Batch Jobs

Handle large-scale classifications seamlessly. Simply upload a file or use the Batch API. We'll handle the rest.

Upload any file.
We support .xlsx, .csv, and .jsonl files.
Configure which classifier you want to use (including your own custom classifiers), the maximum labels, and confidence score thresholds.
Download outputs.
Receive a file back with your data and classifications.
Share with your team.
Your team members have access to the files and the batch jobs.

For developers

Integrate with just one simple API call

Sign up for our free Starter plan and integrate a classifier in minutes. Use the no-code interface or integrate with our API directly.

One API call to classify.
Absolute control with confidence thresholds and max labels.
Out of the box tooling and accuracy monitoring.
res = requests.post(
headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}"},
"model": "naics",
"texts": [
Pfizer Inc. is an American multinational pharmaceutical and biotechnology corporation headquartered at The Spiral in Manhattan, New York City. The company was established in 1849 in New York by two German entrepreneurs, Charles Pfizer (1824–1906) and his cousin Charles F. Erhart (1821–1891).
"top_k": 1, # the max number of predictions to return
"threshold": 0.6, # the minimum confidence (0 to 1) required to return a label

Build a custom classifier in minutes

Use Taylor's out of the box classifiers or create your own with your labels. We'll handle the infrastructure and maintenance.